Join the fight to keep police officers safe.
Join the fight to keep police officers safe.
Proud supporter of ChaplainUSA.
Tell police officers you've got their back. Support our efforts.
Police Chaplains: A Lifeline to Law Enforcement
Police Chaplains: A Lifeline to Law Enforcement
Police chaplains are critical to the spiritual survival of police officers.
That’s why we are proud to support the Police Chaplain Project, a program that is raising public awareness about the vital role police chaplains play in the well-being of police officers and their families.
Through the program, chaplains now have a platform to step up and speak out about the issues confronting police officers.
“A chaplain’s oath of confidentially must not silence our voice on the public issues that confront our nation,” said veteran Police Chaplain Dave Fair. “Through the Police Chaplain Project, we are sharing the voices and values of America’s police chaplains in ways that were once unimaginable.”
Police Chaplain Rick Bulman from the Police Chaplain Project
Featuring some of the most revered and accomplished police chaplains of the past 50 years.
Citizens are urged to be a part of our FACEBOOK community and voice their support and thanks our police chaplains.
Your simple thank you will mean the world to those who have dedicated themselves to this often under-appreciated, but vital role.
Driving a greater awareness among citizens of the vital role chaplains play within the law enforcement community.
"Police chaplains are essential to the spiritual survival of police officers and their families,” said Chaplain David Fair. “Yet few citizens are familiar with the vital role they play. Police Chaplain Project is devoted to changing that."
Take a few minutes each week to say "good job" or "thank you".
Visit the online repository of the Police Chaplain Project.
Share the support of our survivor community.
Share the support of our survivor community.
The Survivor Network was created to reach those who might not otherwise seek help:
a slain officer’s parents
their grown children
close friends of a slain officer
Through the words of America’s senior police chaplains and law enforcement leaders, the Survivor Network provides practical, old school wisdom for anyone confronted by crisis.
Encourage members of your faith community to listen to professional chaplains on the to strengthen their skills as caregivers in the event of a major catastrophe.
Encourage members of your survivor community to take advantage of the support of our FACEBOOK community.
Stand with the men and women of law enforcement.
Stand with the men and women of law enforcement.
Police may be distant enough from the disaster of 2020 and the Defund Police movement for the profession to regain its footing. However, challenges still exist:
Recruitment & retention
Risk of prosecution for on-duty actions
Officer wellness and morale
Media coverage of police issues
Ambush attacks
It is imperative that as a nation, we unite and confront these pressing issues head-on.
At POLICE LIVES MATTER, we fight for police officers to have the support of their community.
Because an officer’s well-being should be the concern of every citizen.
Tell police officers you've got their back. Support our efforts.
Need more information?
Join our growing community on FACEBOOK
Join our growing community on FACEBOOK
Through ChaplainUSA's Facebook page and group (Police Chaplain Coffee Shop), chaplains now have a platform to step up and speak out about the issues they face. The Police Chaplain Project has inspired a loyal following on Facebook and other social media platforms.
Join our thriving FACEBOOK community.
Police Chaplain Coffee Shop Group
Other social sites.
That’s why we publish content to many social platforms. Explore and share!